Being a Member has Many Benefits and Opportunities
Being a member of Harris County Deputies’ Organization FOP 39 is a great way to be part of a law enforcement family that provides its members with a voice to advocate for the betterment of all. A strong and robust membership is a cornerstone to HCDO FOP 39’s bargaining power and every member is a valued and encouraged to participate.
Membership in the organization is open to all full-time sworn peace officers with jurisdiction in Harris County, Texas, full-time detention officers, full-time TCOLE certified communications officers, or any retired full-time peace officer, detention officer, or communications officer. Associate membership is open to all clerical, medical, reserve peace officer, or employees working under Harris County. Associate members have the same benefits as regular members except in cases where it would conflict with the benefits of a regular member. A reserve peace officer's legal benefits only cover duty related incidents. If you have any questions about membership eligibility, please contact us.
There are numerous benefits to being a member of HCDO FOP 39. The organization employs experienced legal staff to work with members during job related incidents where having an advocate on their side is most needed. These include all job-related disciplinary hearings and civil service hearings as well as job related incidents that trigger county attorney or district attorney involvement. It is always hoped that a Deputy, Detention Officer, or other law enforcement personnel will never find themselves in a situation where they feel like they need legal counsel when faced on the job incidents but membership in HCDO FOP 39 gives you peace of mind that someone is always there to help. These services are free to all members in good standing with HCDO FOP 39 which is at a significant discount for the price of the monthly membership dues. Recently, a non-member Sheriff’s Deputy was terminated and sought legal counsel to represent him in Sheriff Hearings and civil service hearings in order to protest his termination and seek a better F-5 status. His total legal bill was the equivalent of 35 years of membership with HCDO FOP 39 that he had to pay to a lawyer, out of pocket, at the time of service.
Other benefits include supplemental insurance opportunities, social events, education opportunities and assistance, and political representation.
Download a membership applications to become a Member Today.
If you have any questions about member benefits, feel free to contact the HCDO FOP 39 offices at (713) 659-0005.
Contact Us To Learn More
Please contact us if you have any questions about becoming a member or your current membership. You can also call the HCDO FOP 39 offices at 713-659-0005.